Allocating and Transporting Resources to Demand-Locations sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140068 |
Collaborative vehicle routing with excess vehicle capacity in urban last-mile deliveries sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140236 |
An update on VRP-REP: the vehicle routing problem repository sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140288 |
Vehicle Selection for a Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140293 |
Branch-and-Price-and-Cut for the Clustered Vehicle-Routing Problem with Soft Cluster Constraints sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140411 |
The r-Depot Interdiction Vehicle Routing Problem with Demand Outsourcing sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140890 |
Alternative Paths for Reliable Vehicle Routing in City Logistics sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141050 |
Lifted compact formulations for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141169 |
Solving a Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Arising in the Steel Industry sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141256 |
A branch and price algorithm for the resource constrained vehicle routing problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141273 |
An improved Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithm for heterogeneous vehicle routing problems sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141397 |
A generalized formulation for vehicle routing problems sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141461 |
Route Planning of Electric Freight Vehicles by Considering Internal and Environmental Conditions sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141504 |
A Benders Decomposition Approach for Solving the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141841 |
The vehicle routing problem with time windows and a fragility constraint sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141894 |
Two-phase hybrid algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with scarce, reusable resources sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141904 |
A heuristic approach for the vehicle routing problem with scarce, reusable resources sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141905 |
Vehicle Routing for a Food Service Marketplace sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141922 |
A Generally Applicable Ruin & Recreate Approach for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:144560 |
Sequential search for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:144609 |
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