A Novel Formulation and a Column Generation Technique for a Rich Humanitarian Logistic Problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:139767 |
Allocating and Transporting Resources to Demand-Locations sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140068 |
Bidirectional Labeling in Column-Generation Algorithms for Pickup and Delivery Problems sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140641 |
A pickup and delivery problem in two regions with fixed and flexible long-hauls sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:140895 |
The two-region multi depot pickup and delivery problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141210 |
Solving a Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Arising in the Steel Industry sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141256 |
A hybrid solution approach for the 3L-VRP with simultaneous delivery and pickups sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141391 |
The Pickup and Delivery Problem with time windows, split loads and transshipment - A branch-and-cut solution method sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141788 |
Two-phase hybrid algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with scarce, reusable resources sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141904 |
A heuristic approach for the vehicle routing problem with scarce, reusable resources sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141905 |
Vehicle Routing for a Food Service Marketplace sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141922 |
The Twin Robot Routing Problem sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:141981 |
A branch-and-price algorithm for an Inventory Routing Problem for Bike Sharing Systems sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:144495 |
A new model and strengthening inequalities for the double TSP with multiple stacks sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:144593 |
Solving the one-commodity pickup and delivery location-routing problem by simulated annealing sciencesconf.org:verolog2017:144633 |
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