Scientific Program > Talks by Speaker > Plana Isaac

Aesthetic considerations for the Min-Max K-Windy Rural Postman Problem
Isaac Plana  1, *@  , Angel Corberán  1@  , Bruce Golden  2@  , Oliver Lum  2@  , José Maria Sanchis  3@  
1 : Universidad de Valencia
2 : University of Maryland
3 : Polytechnic University of Valencia
* : Corresponding author

The aesthetic quality of routes is a feature of route planning that is of practical importance, but receives relatively little attention in the literature. Several practitioners have pointed out that the visual appeal of a proposed set of routes can have a strong influence on the willingness of a client to accept or reject a specific routing plan. While some work has analyzed algorithmic performance relative to traditional min-sum or min-max objective functions and aesthetic objective functions, we are not aware of any work that has considered a multi-objective approach. This work considers a multi-objective variant of the Min-Max K-Windy Rural Postman Problem, discusses several formulations of the problem, and presents computational experiments with a heuristic algorithm.

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