Scientific Program > Talks by Speaker > Mendoza Jorge

An update on VRP-REP: the vehicle routing problem repository
Jorge Mendoza  1, *@  , Christelle Guéret  2@  , Daniele Vigo  3@  , Thibaut Vidal  4@  , Victor Pillac  5@  , Nicholas Kullman  1@  , Valentin Maerten  1@  
1 : Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Tours  (LI)  -  Website
Polytech'Tours, Université François Rabelais - Tours : EA6300, CNRS : ERL6305
64, Avenue Jean Portalis, 37200 Tours -  France
2 : Laboratoire angevins de recherche en ingénierie des systèmes (EA 7315)  (LARIS)
LUNAM Université, Université d’Angers
4 boulevard lavoisier 49016 Angers -  France
3 : Università di Bologna  (UNIBO)  -  Website
Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna -  Italy
4 : Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro  (PUC Rio)
5 : goeuro  -  Website
* : Corresponding author

The Vehicle Routing Problem Repository (VRP-REP) is an open data platform for sharing benchmark instances and solutions of vehicle routing problems. With VRP-REP, users can upload/download instance and solution files; plot instances and solutions in their web browser; link instances and solutions to publications; track the best solutions for instances over the years; access open-source code for solution verification; and contribute with their own solution verifiers. VRP-REP was launched during the 2014 VeRoLog conference in Oslo. Since then, the platform has grown fast: it accounts today for more than 250 users from more than 60 different countries (including practitioners from world-leading companies). Thanks to the efforts of its contributors, the data shared through the platform has also grown, and the functionalities have expanded. In this talk we review the platform's evolution over the last three years and present its forthcoming developments.

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