Scientific Program > Talks by Speaker > Paradiso Rosario

Efficient routes in a Periodic Inventory Routing Problem
Rosario Paradiso  1@  , Luca Bertazzi  2@  , Geoffrey Chua  3@  , Demetrio Laganà  1@  
1 : Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria
87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS) -  Italy
2 : Department of Economics and Management  (DEM)  -  Website
Via S. Faustino 74/b-25122 Brescia -  Italy
3 : Nanayang Technological University  (NTU)

In this work, a mixed-integer linear programming formulation for a Periodic Inventory Routing Problem, based on routes variables, is presented. In particular, a product has to be shipped from a supplier to a set of customers over a innite time horizon. Given the plan periodicity, the problem is to determine a periodic shipping policy that minimizes the sum
of transportation and inventory costs at the supplier and at the customers per time unit. Due to the difficulty to solve a formulation with all the possible feasible routes, the aim of this work is to find the minimal set of routes that allows to have the best possible worst-case performance ratio, allowing to solve the problem with a lower number of integer variables ensuring the quality of the solution over a threshold.

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